Amazing how Dahl denies that CAIR was invited and then uninvited from speaking at the event, when I have their invitation and uninvitation saved in email. The president of the Tea Party chapter wrote me in an email
I want you to understand that I will defend your right to speak no matter what your message is. You can say what ever you want whether it's at a hotel, a city park or a restaurant. The 1st Amendment permits this.
We will offer you the same protections at our Tea Party State Convention on Sunday and future events.
You will be given the same Constitutional protections and due respect as the other speakers at our event. We look forward to hearing your message. We will not permit your group to be intimidated and or harassed during your time at this function. All appropriate measures will be taken to ensure your safety and protection....
Quite shocked at both the clear lies and double standards of the Florida Emerald Coast Tea Party!We will offer you the same protections at our Tea Party State Convention on Sunday and future events. We will not place pressure on organizations that support your cause and we expect you to offer the same protection in return to those people you disagree with.
Are you kidding me Bearded Idiot? Have you ever lived in the Middle East. Hasan Shibly, you just might want to read your Quran so you understand why non-Muslims in America have no interest in you. If you don't like it here move on! The Quran is filled with hatred towards non-muslims and you can certainly debate this, but just read your book "Surely the vilest of animals in Allah's sight are those who disbelieve, then they would not believe". (8:55) or how about this one: And whoever desires a religion other than Islam, it shall not be accepted from him, and in the hereafter he shall be one of the losers (3:85). Again, if you even wonder why people can't stand you and your freakish, unloving religion, just read your Quran.