(TAMPA, FL, 7/11/2012) -- The Florida Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-FL) today held news conferences in Tampa and Pembroke Pines to ask the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) to stop using a notorious anti-Muslim bigot as a counterterrorism trainer.
At the news conferences, CAIR-FL released a letter sent to the
FDLE by a 30-member
coalition of Muslim organizations and individuals requesting
that the department no longer use Sam
Kharoba of the Counter Terrorism Operations Center (CTOC)
as a trainer on issues related to Islam and Muslims.
The coalition's letter to FDLE Commissioner Gerald M. Bailey asserts
that Kharoba's training materials on Islam are riddled with inaccuracies,
sweeping generalizations and stereotypes, that he is unqualified as a subject
matter expert on either Islam or countering violent extremism and that his
training has elicited disturbingly prejudiced responses from trainees.
It states in part:
"Sam Kharoba's training undermines the Building Communities
of Trust (BCOT) initiative released by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ),
Department of Homeland Security and International Association of Chiefs of
Police. It also directly contradicts the Line Training provided by the DOJ for
our Law Enforcement Officers regarding SARS."
That letter also asks that officers who received Kharoba's
biased training be given accurate and unbiased retraining by credible experts
and that the FDLE adopt a policy ensuring that those offering counterterrorism
training be vetted for their academic credentials, operational experience and
accuracy of course content.
For more Background on Sam Kharoba, see:
Critics say Broward College teaches police to profile, discriminate against
FDLE and Broward College disagree on who is responsible for controversial police training
FDLE and Broward College disagree on who is responsible for controversial police training
Documents obtained by CAIR-FL reveal at least 21 separate
trainings conducted by Kharoba in Florida from 2005-2012. In many cases, these
trainings were sanctioned by the FDLE.
The documents were obtained through a nationwide effort in which
CAIR chapters filed 87 separate public records requests about possible
Islamophobic training of local, state and national law enforcement personnel.
SEE: CAIR Files Multi-State Records Requests on Anti-Muslim Law
Enforcement Trainings
Kharoba's main training manual, "A Law Enforcement Guide to Understanding Islamist Terrorism," combines vile accusations against Islam, sweeping generalizations targeting all Muslims and factual inaccuracies.
Kharoba's main training manual, "A Law Enforcement Guide to Understanding Islamist Terrorism," combines vile accusations against Islam, sweeping generalizations targeting all Muslims and factual inaccuracies.
About the manual, the coalition letter states: "Objective
readers of this material will walk away with a clear impression that Al-Qaeda
and its ideological allies are representative of mainstream Islam and that all
Muslims lie as a matter of routine."
The first chapter of Kharoba's training manual attacks the
entire religion of Islam and attempts to prove, through selective evidence,
that it is inherently violent. He writes: "Most of us have heard
statements similar to 'Islam is a religion of peace' and that 'Muslim radicals
hijacked, twisted and altered Islam to justify their Jihad against
non-Muslims.' This book will provide definitive proof contradicting these
statements and allegations."
In its 2011 investigative report, "How We Train Our Cops to
Fear Islam," Washington Monthly quoted Kharoba: "'When I look at the
life of Muhammad, I get a very nasty image,' said Kharoba. . .'And that is just
to start off with. Anyone who says that Islam is a religion of peace,' he
continued, 'is either ignorant or flat out lying.'"
CAIR also recently called on the Department of Defense to
dismiss an instructor at the Joint Forces Staff College in Norfolk, Va., who
taught fellow officers that only a "total war" on Islam would protect
America, that they should use "Hiroshima" tactics, target civilian
populations, and abandon the Geneva Conventions. The instructor of that course
was later relieved of his teaching duties.
The Washington-based Muslim civil rights organization has also
called on the Obama administration, the Department of Homeland Security and
Congress to provide oversight for apparently widespread anti-Muslim bias in the
training of law enforcement, security and military personnel nationwide.
SEE: CAIR Asks Sec. Napolitano to Probe Use of Islamophobic Trainers
Obama Orders Clean Up of Islamophobic Terror Training
Obama Orders Clean Up of Islamophobic Terror Training
An 80-page report by Political Research Associates (PRA), titled
"Manufacturing the Muslim Menace: Private Firms, Public Servants, &
the Threat to Rights and Security," details a systemic failure to regulate
content in counterterrorism training.
CAIR is America's largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy
organization. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage
dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build
coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.
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