Thursday, March 29, 2012

Hillsborough school board gets a chance to teach tolerance

By Sue Carlton | TampaBayTimes | March 29, 2012 | [Original Article]

"...And if that's not enough did-I-really-hear-that moments in the tempest currently before the Hillsborough School Board, now we've come to this: People comparing Muslims to pedophiles and felons and expecting elected officials to agree...

..How did we get here...Hassan Shibly, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, was invited by a teacher to speak to an advanced placement world history class at Steinbrenner High in Lutz. (Students learn about other religions, like Buddhism and Christianity, too.)... [Read More]

...It's been said that when the economy is tough and the world in turmoil, some people look for a place to focus their anxiety and even anger. This is daily bread for former-porn-addict-turned-crusader David Caton, whose organization is offering a $1,000 reward to anyone reporting future CAIR speakers at the school. I could not make that up...

...Is there room for debate on the history of CAIR? Sure, discussion is good. What's not good is wrapping your hands around the eyes and ears of kids out of fear. What's not good is assuming a local Muslim leader, a young lawyer raising a family here, comes not to educate but to indoctrinate and steal young minds — and that teachers are either in on it or too clueless to care...

...At today's workshop, the school board has a chance to say that education and the judgement of teachers and principals trump fear and those who exploit it. That would be a speech worth hearing..." [Read More]

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