Thursday, March 15, 2012

Muslim advocacy leader reacts to state Senator's vow to revive anti-Sharia bill

By Janelle Irwin | WMNF 88.5 FM | March 14, 2012 | [Original Article]

"A bill that died in the Florida legislature this year would have outlawed the use of foreign laws in courtrooms. But the bill’s sponsor has said he will reintroduce the initiative next year if he is reelected. The leader of a Muslim advocacy group isn’t happy about the message that sends....

...“Shame on Mr. Hays. Shame on him for promoting division in a time when our country needs unity. Shame on him for promoting legislation that marginalizes minorities; that attacks particular faith groups.”  [say's Hassan Shibly]...

...And as celebration of the failed so-called anti-Sharia bill winds down, Shibley is now taking on another cause...

...“Star Taxi, it’s alleged that they allow their taxi drivers to read the bible on their break, to smoke, to go to the bathroom, to do whatever they want, but if they’re Muslim they cannot be caught praying even when they’re praying outside of public view in private... 

...“This has nothing to do with Sharia. This is about title VII of the civil rights act which protects the religious freedom of all people in America.” [say's Hassan Shibly]..." [Read More]

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